List compiled for the Pacific Northwest Lutefisk Lovers since 2007 by Christine Anderson, member of Leif Erikson Lodge 2-001, Sons of Norway, in Seattle; Embla Lodge #2, Daughters of Norway, and Norden Lodge 2-002 in Tacoma
All information is subject to change, send additions and corrections to cmadance@earthlink.net If you would like to add someone or be taken off the list, please reply to this email. Please send other dinners/bazaars you find out about into this email. Updates will be published again when the need arises to accommodate changes!
As of September 7, 2024.
Welcome to the 17th Annual Lutefisk Lovers’ List ..

Saturday, October 5, 2024, 6:30PM Dinner: Puget Sound Ski for Light alder smoked/cooked salmon or cod fundraising dinner hosted by Bothell Lodge 2-106, Sons of Norway, 23905 Bothell Everett Highway, Bothell WA 98042. Tickets $35.00. Reservations by emailing to: dinner@bothellsonsofnorway.org Leave name, phone number, email and number of dinners or call the lodge at 425.485.9085, and leave a message. Reservations are requested by September 30.
No on-line ticket sales, pay at the door, by cash, check or card.
Live music. Lots of free parking!
Puget Sound Ski for Light is your local chapter of an international organization which provides a pleasurable winter experience for cross-country ski instruction and guidance to visually and mobility impaired individuals. The group meets at the Sons of Norway Trollhaugen Recreation Area near Stampede Pass every other Saturday through the winter.
Saturday, October 19, 2024, 4:30 – 6pm Harald Haarfager Lodge, 2–011 hosts a Baked Salmon Dinner at Trinity Lutheran Church, 812 N 5th Street, Coeur d’Alene, ID. https://www.son-cda.com/events/upcoming-events
Saturday, November 2, 2024, Odin Lodge 2-041 in Yakima, WA, is having its 42nd Annual Lutefisk & Meatball Dinner & Bake Sale. West Valley Church, 72nd & Nob Hill Blvd., Yakima, WA. 5:00 – 6:30 p.m. Adults $30.00 Children 6-12 $10.00 Children under Age 5 – Free. Tickets must be purchased in advance Inklings Bookshop, 5629 Summitview Avenue Yakima, WA Cash or check only please. The festive Norwegian dinner includes lutefisk, meatballs, boiled potatoes, coleslaw, lefse, rømmegrøt, berry sauce and cookies. For more information, call (509)966-1583 or (509)457-8405.
More info later.
Saturday, November 16, 2024, Harald Haarfager Lodge, 2–011 hosts their Annual Sons of Norway Lutefisk, Lefse, and Meatball Luncheon!
at Trinity Lutheran Church, 812 N 5th Street, Coeur d’Alene, ID.
Two seatings 11;30 – 1 pm OR 2:00-3:30pm Adults $35, Youth 6-18 yrs $15 Children under 6 – FREE with Parents/Grandparents. $80.Family – (Parents and Youth) There ae 50 tickets for each seating. Tickets for sale at Lodge Meeting and Events.
Saturday, November 16, 2024 – Bernt Balchen Lodge 2-046 Lutefisk & Meatball Dinner
seatings at 3-5PM or 6-8PM. Hearty dinner features top quality lutefisk made fresh in, as well as gourmet meatballs— hand-rolled at Viking Hall by our Master Meatball Chefs! Complete with our legendary Sons of Norway potato lefse, freshly rolled and baked just for this event! Matanuska Valley-grown potatoes and carrots, cranberry sauce, and all the goodies you expect from this fall-harvest feast will be also provided. Space is limited, so be sure to call Viking Hall at 907-632-9982 with any questions. Viking Hall, 8141 Briarwood St, Anchorage AK 99518 website: www.sofnalaska.com More info to follow
Saturday, December 7, 2024 – Bothell Lodge 2-106 Sons of Norway, Annual Lutefisk and Meatball Dinner served buffet style. seatings, at 11:30AM, 1PM, 2:30PM, 4PM, 5:30PM:, meatballs, boiled potatoes, coleslaw, lefse, ice cream, cookies for dessert. Choice of coffee, tea, or milk.
Prices $40 for adults, children 5-12 are $12, under 5 are free! NO on-line ticket sales.Payment is at the door with Cash, Check, and Cards accepted. Reservations required Lutefisk@BothellSonsofNorway.org or call 425.485.9085.
Reservations open on October 1st and close December 1st or until sold out. When you make your reservations, you are making a reservation for one of the 5 seatings. If you are making a reservation for a group, please let us know the number in the group. If your reservations change, please let us know as we always have a wait list. Bothell Sons of Norway, 23905 Bothell-Everett Highway, Bothell WA 98021.
Friday, December 13, 2024, 6:30 PM – 10PM: Lutefisk Dinner at the Swedish Club, 1920 Dexter Avenue North, Seattle, WA 98109. Check their website for more information https:// www.swedishclubnw.org/program-calendar
2025 Dinners
! Tickets: $TBD for adults, $TBD for students and children under 13, tables of 8 for $TBD. All funds benefit the Educational Foundation and go towards scholarships for people from age 9-25! Tickets available soon. For more info email:
with accompaniments white sauce, bacon and drippings, butter, potatoes, carrots, pickled beets, lefse, ice cream, krumkake, and coffee. Price: TBD. Seating by reservation. Come enjoy our view of beautiful Liberty Bay! Poulsbo Sons of Norway, Grieg Hall,
Saturday, January 25, 2025, 4:30-6PM: Arctic Viking Lodge 2-117 Lutefisk Dinner includes
lutefisk, meatballs, potatoes, peas & carrots, veggie tray, bread, lefse, and dessert at 1012 Cowles St, Fairbanks, AK 99701. $TBD. Karen Johnson, secretary
Sunday, January 26, 2025: Sonja Lodge 2-038 annual lutefisk dinner at 710 McKinley St, Eugene OR 97402. (Tentatively planned) for more info www.sonjalodge.org